Options for connecting BitTorrent peers using uTP
The introduction to uTP can be found in following links:
BEP 29
libtorrent document
The introduction to UDP hole-punch can be found in following links:
BEP 55
Globally uTP Options
Tools menu → Options →BitTorrent → Enable uTP for peer connection
Disable: connecting peers using TCP only; accept TCP incoming connections only.
Auto Detect: connecting peers using uTP after TCP failures; accept uTP & TCP incoming connections.
Always: connecting peers using uTP only; accept uTP & TCP incoming connections.
Forcibly: connecting peers using uTP only; accept uTP incoming connections only.
Tools menu → Options →Advanced → bittorrent.utp_after_holepunch
Disable: skip hole-punch before creating uTP connections.
Auto: performs hole-punch before creating uTP connections only for peers retrieved from PEX supporting BEP 55.
Forcibly: always performs hole-punch before creating uTP connections to any peer.
Tools menu → Options →Advanced → bittorrent.peer_hole_punch
true: enable BEP 55 hole punch extension in BitComet as an initiator, responder, or introducer.
false: disable BEP 55 hole punch extension in BitComet.
uTP Option for a specified peer
Peers list of BitTorrent task → context menu → uTP initiation
Default: following the globally option, connect to this peer using TCP and/or uTP.
Disable: override globally options, do not connect to this peer using uTP.
Hole Punch: override globally options, always performs hole-punch before creating uTP connection to this peer.
Direct: override globally options, always skip hole-punch before creating uTP connection to this peer.